I like playing catch-up. Can ya tell?
-I'm thankful for clean running water all the time. I fill my water mug (yes I have a water mug) up multiple times throughout the day, from a water purifier. Spoiled much? My work also supplies us with countless bottles of water (don't tell the greenies. we use wayyy too much plastic around here.) I can take a warm shower or bath whenever I please, and the warm water washes my dishes and clothes. Living in such a beautiful place with modern technology is easy to take for granted. I'm super thankful for running water.
-Thankful for opportunity. I have been so blessed in my life with this. I feel like things have happened for me when I have needed them to, and the opportinity has always been right. Life is such a blessing.
-Definitely thankful for t.v. What would my life be without Modern Family, The Office, Gossip Girl, Sons of Anarchy, Keeping Up With the Kardashians (I know, I'm horrible), 70's show, Tosh.0, and of course Glee. I don't have much time for t.v. but when I do, it's at least a 4 hour ritual. It's bad. I know.
-Clean sheets. Last night I got out of the shower into nice, clean, warm sheets. There isn't much that tops that.
-Thankful for my sisters. Annie & Sophie are honestly and truly the most beautiful girls I know. Inside and out. They are my best friends. Annie is so tender hearted and cares about everyone. She is a freaking princess and thinks everyone should grace the ground she walks on. And I wasn't saying that was a bad thing. Sophie is shy and quiet at first, but get her going, and she won't stop talking. She's gentle and strong all at the same time which makes her an awesome gymnast. I watch them each day in the choices they make, and I'm so proud to call myself their sister.
-Pinterest. This a new thing for me and it has the potential to be the answer to all of my prayers.
happy tuesday.
8 years ago
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