
iPhone lyphe.

Finally joined the iPhone world. Don't worry. It's a 4. So legit. I know I'm behind, but don't judge, okay?
I'm in love already. And don't worry that my sisters and my MOTHER had to help me figure it out. I'm so old. What is 23 doing to me? Don't get old, kids.
Just had to post and share my wonderful news with the blogging world that doesn't even know my blog exists. 
I'm great.

Until next time,





Here's what's new in our lives:

-I am now 23 years old. Yikes.

-We did a car swap. Cody works out in H-town and I work in town. Ha. So we did a swapsies. Know what that means? Carly drives the big, huge, redneck, sketchy ass truck to work and school EVERY day and Cody drives the nice, fun, not so sketchy Accord to work. Please, for just a second, picture me driving that thing down the road. The looks I get are even better. Ugh. 

-Been going to the gym everyday. WOOT! Holla at ya girl.

-Lach is no longer allowed to be out of his kennel for longer than 10 minutes when he is home alone. Too many items have fallen victim to his anxiety..Just to name a few: Mikelle's 50 page psychology study guide, both of our toothbrushes, my $180 psychology book (!!!!), free movie passes, bills, my birthday card from my in-laws with cash inside, multiple pairs of socks, and last but not least, my debit card (!!!!). He can be such a shit sometimes. I get so freakin pissed, but then I look at his sweet face and those big brown eyes and I can't be mad anymore. Can you blame me? 

Mikelle's psychology packet.

My psychology book, shoes, scrubs, hangers, socks..etc. He was extra naughty this day.

What was left of my toothbrush. He'd already finished off Cody's.

And look at this sweet face. I can't stay mad at him for longer than 5 mins. He's too sweet.

-Still in school. Ugh.

-Still doing the KB challenge. Don't ask how it's going though. Cuz I'm not prepared to come to terms with what I put in my mouth each day. I.love.carbs. I need therapy.

-Got bestie tattoo's with my bestie, Kami Gonz. :)

Hurt like hell.

-Thinking about running the marathon next year. THINKING is the key word. But then I take Lach for a run in the mornings and remember how much I loathe running. Probably not such a good idea..

-We're still washer & dryer-less. Anyone selling some we can buy for cheap? :)

-Cody got the iPhone 5. He splurged. A lot. He's had his phone for 3 years and the buttons stopped working. So I GUESS it was time for a new one. K, but now when can I get a new one?? I'm so jelly.

That's all for now. Stay tuned.




Day Dreamin'

I think about the future. A lot. 

When the time comes, I want to be a mom. A good mom. It seems so strange to think about now..like, me with a baby? WTF? I want to have beautiful children with beautiful spirits. I want to teach them about Heavenly Father and his wonderful plan for us. I want to instill in them confidence and self worth. They will know that they are loved and they will know of their infinite worth. 
But then I can't help but think, Will I be a good mom? Will I know what do do? The thought of sweet little fingers and toes makes me so eager to have a babe.

And what about my education? I graduated from high school 4 years ago. I've been in college since I graduated and no degree to show for it......Makes me feel not so great. I'm trying to become a nurse..it's been my dream since way before it was cool. I guess I'm just taking my time. The pre-req's have been kinda hard for me and I'm not the best at focusing. ADHD from my pops. Thanks Dad :) I know I would be a good nurse. I know it! It's frustrating because nursing programs don't look at who you are as a person, rather they only care about what you look like on paper..aka grades. So that's kinda holding me back. It's discouraging and it makes me feel like I'm a dummy. Ha. So I just need to buckle down for these last 2 semesters and get it done. Wish me luck.

I love Utah but I've been here my whole life. I'd love to get out of this state for awhile and travel around. See the rest of the U.S. Preferably back east or Washington or Oregon. I'll probably end up back in Utah because I love it so much, but I'd really like to experience life outside of Utah. Get a little perspective, ya know? We honestly live in a bubble. Getting out is refreshing. And people need to do it more often. Utah culture can be so closed minded sometimes and it's a little embarrassing. 

I wonder what life has in store for me and what my path will be..

