
finally fall ♥

Just a few pics to show how excited I am for fall..

i will be eating too much of this..

wearing too much of this accompanied with a hoodie of course..

driving too much to see this..

drinking too much of this..(but this time of year is perfect for chai!)

wearing too much of these..

eating too much of these as well..

So.excited. I love love love this time of year. Bring it on.

p.s. my birthday is in 12 days. birthday wish list coming soon.


As of Late

Life has been kinda crazy this past little while. Trying to adjust to a new schedule with work and school, has been a little hellacious. I've been working A TON and it's about done me in. I've had a few seconds to catch parts of the 'normalcy' of my life, but that's about it. So, enjoy!
Sunday was a downpour! Thunder, lightning, the whole bit. Aren't my sisters so pretty?

Ellie and Nayda found the make-up.

Sushi night with the fam.I'm in need of another one asap! ..and no, I didn't eat all this sushi myself..even though I probably could have.

In our Bears get-up on Sundy.

Clean puppy! He has such a nice auntie.

Psycho pup. He was caught mid-yawn in this one.

 These last few are things I found on http://weheartit.com. I love that site! Be careful though, I've run across a couple naughty ones!


Tweet tweet

I'll be the first to admit, I wasn't to keen on the whole twitter idea. I mean, there was already Facebook; the ultimate form of stalking, and then twitter too? I thought it was too much.
But, being that I'm so close to being done with Facebook completely, I decided to give it a shot.


I freaking love stalking celebs and knowing what they're doing every second of the day. I also love that people can't 'like' your tweets or comment on them. I'm so overly (sp?) obsessed with it, that I'm this close to deleting Facebook and dedicating my social networking skills to Twitter and this lovely blog. So, if one day ya go to Facestalk me and I'm not there, you'll know where I'll be. :)



la dee da dee dum

I'm at work today, like every other friday. Not too bad so far. Except for the fact that I work 12 hour days and have...7..SEVEN.. hours left. I've worked everyday this week, and I need the cash flow. Want to know why?

  • My car has a huge dent in the side left by someone who decided it was okay to ram into the side of my car and not leave a note. People are lovely aren't they?
  • I backed into Tony & Wendy's cinderblock wall. Scariest sound and feeling, EVER. Some selective words were said, and tears were shed (it ryhmes!). Bad day.
  • Woke up to a flat tire the other morning. All 4 needed to be replaced anyways, I was putting them off as long as I could. They honestly had zero tread left. I should've taken a pic. So Mommy & Daddy were nice enough to loan me $350 for new tires. I will be needing to pay them back asap.
  • There's this weird thing called oil that makes your car run. Ever heard of it? Yes I need that done, and can't seem to come up with the money.
  • Also, between you and I, I've been driving with expired registration since June (I know, I'm horrible.). That needs to be done ASAP, but since my money is disappearing out of no where, I can't really afford it.
As you can tell, my car has looked like heap of junk (I haven't given it too much TLC this past little while either, guilty as charged). I NEED to get it taken care of. And I refuse to get a credit card to pay for the damage. I've been trying to save, but it's not coming easily. So my relationship with money lately, has been super bitter. I think I'll come around eventually...not. If any of ya'll have a money tree seed sitting around, this girl is in dire need.
Anyways, today is FRIDAY and we're coming up on a long weekend. I'm SO excited. It's much needed..I'm going to give myself a pedi, over-endulge on my free day, relax, and be stress free! Happy Holiday weekend everyone :)


p.s. fall weather can't come faster! So excited :)