Thankful that my parents let me do my own thing in high school while still parenting from afar. I feel like I learned SO much more that way. If they would have been like other typical parents in Utah and pulled the reins too tight, I'm almost positive I would have been a huge, raving, rebel. And only the Lord knows what hell I would've caused. So I'm thankful my parents let me experience life through trial and error.
I'm thankful Cody puts up with whiny old me, and drove over to see me uber late last night cuz I missed him. He's a keeper.
Thankful for nail polish remover. Cuz this chipped nail polish has gots to go.
Thankful for my freedom to choose.
I'm thankful for my hair. There is so much I wish were different about it, but after working with cancer patients and watching two of my grandparents suffer through chemo, I'm thankful for a full head of hair.
Thankful I'm thankful!
8 years ago
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