My To-Do List for this week is as follows:
-Send out Thank-You's from the wedding.
I know there is a rule that says something like they need to be sent out within a month..or something crazy like that, but it didn't happen. And with the cost of postage, it's making it impossible. Sorry to everyone, but they will be arriving soon. Pinky promise
-Go to the gym. EVERY DAY.
Been a super slacker since I've stopped training with Tam. And boy oh boy have I noticed. It needs to be an everyday thing again. Help.
-Call the IRS.
Sounds kinda scary, huh? Well, Dixie State College (curse that damn school), needs proof from the IRS that we filed taxes and paid our taxes...blah, blah, blah...before we can get our grant money to pay for school. We got what we thought were the right forms last week and took them in. Only to find out that we were misinformed and got the wrong forms. The person that 'misinformed' us, has got it coming. Watch out. So, back to square one we go. Wish us luck.
-Finish decorating our house.
I feel like this will be an ongoing process. Not only cuz we're super poor and you need money to buy cute things for your house, but also because I have ZERO creative ability. Like none. Our house is dying for some TLC and I ain't got none. It's a vicious circle.
-Take full advantage of my pool.
When we moved in, I swore I'd be a bronze goddess with the wicked amount of time I'd spend there. I've been there once since we've moved it. Yeah.
I've got a full week ahead of me. Happy Monday.
8 years ago
One word: PICTURES!