

Welp, school started. So that's the end of fun for us. It started last week and I'm already o-v-e-r it. I'm only taking 3 classes so I shouldn't whine..Physiology & the Lab, and Psychology..but STILL. Mikelle is in my Psychology class (thank YOU) and I know my Lab instructor so hopefully those two classes won't be AS bad..please pray for me.

Between working full time, school starting, keeping a clean house, being a good wifey, taking care of Lach, and going to the gym, I think I've lost my mind. I don't know how people do it. And I do not know, for the life of me, how women are mothers. Seriously. Props to you all.

And I've started trying to eat clean....again. Ugh. I bug myself so bad. But for reals this time, guys (I said that last time). Food just tastes way too good. And watching the Kardashian's at home on the couch is MUCH more entertaining than watching them at the gym on the elliptical. 

Annnnyyyyways, I'll try and be good for you faithful followers, but until next time




  1. OMG we are soul sister. I don't know how people do it. I'm ONLY working full time with no school and I can't even get to the gym. And I started eating clean this last week! If you EVER some up here we better do lunch. One day I will see you again... one day.

  2. It's SO hard. Eating clean is just has hard! Are you following a plan or just being healthier? I might be coming up on the 14th..so let's please get together!!
