My work is nuts-o most days. I get here at 5am and patients start arriving for surgery at 530. Whose decision that was is beyond me. Needless to say, my fun filled days start bright and early. However, summertime has proven to be kinda slow. So weird for me. I don't usually just sit here but today is proving to be one of those days.
Amidst my boredom, I found a notebook. This notebook was brand spankin' new. Not a mark on ANY page in the book and the cover was flawless as well. To me, this screams "color all over me and write all over my pages". So I have.
In light of my recent murriage (<-- check out the spelling. creative, right?), I took on a new last name. Keyword is new. I sign a bajillion papers at work and most days I forget that I am now a Randall. Not an Odette..I take it back. I will always be an Odette, I'm just now known as Randall. But still, it's so weird to me. And super hard to get used to. I had the prettiest signature..and now I have to change it/find a new pretty way to sign my name.
So guess what this new notebook is filled of thus far? That's right. Me trying out my new signature. It's far from perfect but I'm getting there. And I feel like I'm in middle school again. So presh.
So, don't mind me. I'll just be at work filling these pages with random nothings.
8 years ago
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