Because I know all you faithful followers are dying to know what's what in our lives.
-Tim Riggins (the truck) is still under construction. He's been out of commission since late October and we still don't have him back. Allstate Insurance screwed us.
-Urlacher is a closet sock eater. He manages to snarf one down when we're not looking. Sounds sketchy, I know. But seriously they don't even phase him. Like, it's bad. If either of us is missing a sock, it's the dog's fault.
-We had a super fun Christmas. We were in a snow covered cabin in Duck Creek with my family. So super fun. It was nice to get away and just be with family. Lach loved the snow. Like LOVED the snow.
-New Years was fun too. Caught up with some old friends and laughed all night. Cody actually kissed me at midnight in front of his friends. Those that know him, know that is a huge deal. I'm surprised home boy even kissed me at the altar.
-School started on Monday. That's all I have to say about that.
-I'm trying to get my house together. Cuz right now, it doesn't feel like a home at all. I need some things to spice it up and make it look nicer. The stupid white walls will be the death of me.
-Once again, trying the gym thing and eating healthy thing. Eat Clean, Train Mean, Look Lean. Muscle IS sexy. Those that say otherwise..
Not much else is new. Taking things one day at a time
Happy 2013.
8 years ago
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